Once Upon a Studio
Released on TV on October 15, 2023
Released on Disney+ on October 16, 2023
Runtime: 13 Minutes
Rated G
To celebrate the Disney company’s 100th anniversary characters from the Disney vault gather in front of the animation studio to take a picture to memorialize the moment.
Teamwork, movies, history, animation, Disney, anniversaries, villians, heroes, if walls could talk, pictures, mistakes, coming together, family, and friendship.
The worst you will hear is Scar saying, “I’m surrounded by idiots.”
Stuff to be aware of:
Just cartoon shenanigans like Kaa trying to eat Clarabelle.
This is a fun little Disney tribute. Likely you will spy characters from your favorite Disney movies and cartoons. I was excited to see Dodger from Oliver and Company, the Headless Horseman, and characters from Treasure Planet. Even obscure characters from movies like The Black Cauldron and Home on the Range make appearances. Even some original voice actors (like Robin Williams, which is crazy) make a return for this short. It really is neat and I like how they just used Disney characters. No Pixar, Marvel, or Star Wars. It is worth a watch, if you grew up watching Disney movies you will likely smile.