Game: Draftosaurus Genre: Tile (Meeble) Placement
Age: Designer suggest 8+ (I agree)
Number of players: 1-5
Time: 2 Rounds of about 15 minutes
Difficulty: Easy to learn and easy to play. This is for sure one kids can easily learn. Reading: None
About the Game:
You are the owner of a popular dinosaur zoo and your job is to place dinosaurs into pens with placement restrictions. The game is played in two rounds (about 15 minutes each) with multiple turns. At the beginning of the game each player is given a set amount of dino meeples in which they will choose from during their turn. Turns are played simultaneously, so there is not much waiting. Each turn players take turns rolling a dice which restricts (everyone but the dice roller) where dinos can be placed in their park that turn. After placing your dino, according to the restrictions, everyone passes their dinos to the next person. Turns keep going until all dinos are gone, then round two begins.
Each pen you can place dinos in has points attached to it. Some pens need pairs, some need all different kinds of dinos, and one pen has to be the only place a certain kind of dino is on your board. Each pen awards points based on filling it correctly. At the end of two rounds the person with the most points wins. If you have played Sushi Go this kind of feels like a board game version of it, with dinosaurs!
Replay Value:
High! This game has a nice level of strategy to it that adults will enjoy it, but is easy enough that kids can play it. The short game time is also appealing. You can play 2-3 games in thirty minutes if everyone knows how to play.
My Thoughts:
I found this game after researching family games that younger children could play. It had great reviews and wasn’t too expensive on Amazon. I got it without trying it, but it ended up being a winner for our family. We have had it a couple of years and it is one of the top games our family plays together. We also have the two expansions for the game which adds some more strategic game play, however the expansions might be a little much for younger children.
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