Hero’s Guild
About the Game:
The Journey Begins is an introductory adventure to the world of Soteria and the Hero’s Guild d10 tabletop role playing game (rpg) system. The adventure itself revolves around a group of heroes visiting the town of Beln for the Festival of Art in which they are tasked to to examine a possible threat to the town. The story, characters, enemies, and even consequences to certain actions are all laid out for the Game Master to easily navigate the players through their first adventure together.
For those unfamiliar to the world/hobby of table top rpgs this booklet will teach you everything you need to know in order to run the game/adventure. The person running the game is called the Game Master and those playing are the player characters. The Game Master, or GM for short, acts as a story teller, guide, and the ultimate deciding factor on what players can and cannot do while playing. We are reminded in the book, “Just remember two things: the story is more important than the rules, and the rule of cool.” The GM keeps the players on tracks, conveys the story, enforces the rules, but also is tasked with helping the players have fun!
Replay Value:
The Hero’s Guild D10 system is easy to pick up and play with. While this particular campaign/adventure might only be played through with a group once other supplements can be purchased that would allow you to continue this story, start your own story, or even create a whole new world for your players to adventure in. The D10 system is very versatile. Once you know the basics the system could be implemented into any setting the GM wanted. This makes the replay value HIGH!
My Thoughts:
As a long time player of Dungeons and Dragons I found this adventure and the d10 Hero’s Guild system easy to pick up. I read through the rules a couple of times and would look back as needed, but the system, based on using ten sided dice, was easy to learn. I can see it being a very easy system to adapt to your own home brewed games. For those who have never played a table top rpg I wouldn’t imagine anyone having too much trouble understanding the system.
The Journey Begins is a great introduction to the world of Soteria, as well as a compelling first journey with some fun story beats, characters, and plot twists. The adventure is laid out in a way in which the GM and characters could run through the story quickly or spend hours digging into lore, investigating, and enjoying the Festival of Art. Everything is laid out very well and gives a new GM plenty to use, but also allows a seasoned GM some wiggle room to bring in his own personality and style into the game.
The world that Ernie Laurence created has a vast amount of lore attached to it that is not within this book. He does a great job with breathing life into his world and uses some terms that I really love (like using the word “kind” instead of “race”). He seems more than happy to share more if contacted through his website (link below), but there are also more books and modules coming in the future. I think this system is gonna be big! Get in now so you can be an original Hero’s Guild d10 player before everyone is.
Whether you are a seasoned adventurer, a weekend warrior, or a novice archer you’ll find fun to be had here. Give this new system a try, you’ll be glad you did.
Interested in purchasing this campaign story or other Hero’s Guild items click HERE