Here to Slay
Game: Here to Slay Genre: Strategic Card Game
Age: Designer suggest 14+ (My 10 and 8 year old play. The 8 year old needs a bit of help)
Number of players: 2-6
Time: 25 min - 1.5 Hours (Depends on number of players)
Difficulty: Takes a couple of rounds to understand, but not difficult.
About the game:
This game was made by the same company that made Unstable Unicorns. It kind of plays like a mix between Unstable Unicorns and Dungeons and Dragons combat. Each player chooses a party leader (yes, they are super cute animals) that has a special ability that can help you throughout the game. During your turn you can use your hand to recruit heroes to join your party, cast magic spells, equip items, slay monsters (after you slay them they give you a unique ability), use hero’s abilities, or draw more cards for your hand. The object of the game is to have six different classes of heroes in your party or slay three monsters. Each hero has a symbol that designates them as one of nine different classes (more can be added through expansions).
Where the D&D aspect comes in is during challenges and combat. If you have a challenge card you can try to keep another player from playing a card. To keep them from playing the card you have to roll a higher number than them. You can then use “modifier” cards to add modifiers that boost your roll or decrease your opponents roll. There is something wickedly fulfilling when you throw down a -4 after your opponent had a high roll. You can also play modifier cards when your opponent attacks a monster and make them lose. It is all in good fun, but some younger players may not like this aspect.
Replay Value:
High, if you enjoy games like Unstable Unicorns.
My Thoughts:
This is one of my favorite card games. I could play this one over and over again. Once you get an idea of the cards and stringing abilities together it can be very fun. It isn’t for everyone. My wife isn’t a fan, but I have some friends that love it as much as I do. The art is also amazing, and cute.
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