Spider-man: No Way Home
Released in theaters on December 17, 2021
Released on Starz July 15, 2022
Runtime: 2 Hours 28 Minutes
Rated PG-13
With great power……
I grew up watching the 90s Spider-man cartoon. I read the comics. I saw the original three movies (Toby Maguire) in theaters. While I didn’t enjoy the two Amazing Spider-man movies (Andrew Garfield) as much, I appreciated some of the things they tried to do. I loved Into the Spider-Verse and I have really enjoyed Tom Holland in the MCU playing Spider-man. He has been my favorite Peter Parker so far.
My favorite Spidey villain has always been Doc Ock and I was super excited to see his return in the trailers.
Themes in the movie include great power and great responsibility, grief, mental illness, science, cures, experiments, helping those in need, love, loss, impact of our choices on others, revenge, bitterness, being wrongly accused, second chances, other worlds, and the consequences of our actions.
Sadly, it seems like the MCU movies in the last few years have more curse words. The s—— word, the opposite place of Heaven, and other words for butt are all used multiple times. The “f” word is not used, but I believe someone says what the ffffff.
Stuff to be aware of:
It is a Spider-man movie so there is a lot of fighting and peril. Some characters do not survive and one gets stabbed pretty bad. You will find explosions, cuts and blood, falls, and lots of punches to the face. There are a few sex jokes early in the movie that involve Peter changing out of his costume while MJ is near by, but there isn’t any sex or nudity (just Spidey in his underoos) There are several sad parts. You may cry, but you will also smile and laugh a lot.
I think this was my favorite Spider-man movie so far. The return of several characters from other movies was genius and done very well. For many of the characters from past Spider-man movies this feels like it finishes their stories and even redeems some. There are some WONDERFUL guest appearances that make it even better. This movie changes everything in the MCU and I am very interested to see where they take our web head in future installments. It was GREAT!
One final note:
Stay all the way until the end of the credits.