Muppets: Haunted Mansion
I grew up watching many of the old Muppets Movies. My two favorites are Muppets Treasure Island and Muppets Christmas Carol (we watch it every December). I also grew up loving the Haunted Mansion. I grew up reading Goosebumps and watching old 70s and 80s horror movies on cable tv. Yeah, I was one of those kids. I also, have a shelf in my office dedicated to the Haunted Mansion. I was super excited about this special that would mix two of my favorite things. It is a fun romp, but possibly a little scary for younger viewers.
Death, ghosts, the afterlife, marriage, murder, hauntings, love, loss, friends, ex-husbands (or should I say axe-husbands) and fear.
I do not recall any curse words, but the word “heck” is used at least once.
Stuff to be aware of: The “Bride” Constance Hatchaway is the main antagonist. If you are unfamiliar with her from the Haunted Mansion ride, she kills all her husbands by beheading them. She kind of “seduces/hypnotizes” Pepe into loving her. There are lots of “death” jokes. There are a few jump scares (don’t continue reading if you don’t like spoilers), like Jason Stamos’ face turning into a scary muppet quickly. Gonzo also gets old in one scene and looks a bit creepy. Nothing is scarier than anything you see in the Haunted Mansion ride.
I enjoyed it, and the muppets rendition of Dancing in the Moonlight is great! If you love the muppets and enjoy the Haunted Mansion this will be right up your alley. There are tons of Haunted Mansion, Muppets, and even some Disney movie Easter eggs. My girls don’t have a desire to watch it, but maybe one day when they have ridden the Haunted Mansion they will want to. Jessica kind of half watched it while on her laptop. During one of Fozzy’s jokes she laughed and laughed and said it was the best Fozzy joke she has ever heard. There are several guest celebrity appearances and Will Arnett is great in it.
My one complaint is that Kermit’s voice doesn’t sound like the original/normal (Jim Hinson or the voice actors since his death) voice. Everyone else sounds spot on.