Always Your Stepdad
Author: Stephanie Stansbie
Published April 9, 2024
Page Count: 32
A simple, brief story about a stepfather’s journey to become a little girl’s “dad.” No names are used in the book making it easier for readers to insert their own. The story starts with the first day the stepdad meets the little girl. The man’s journey begins with admitting he hasn’t been there to see all the ‘firsts’ in the little girl’s life, but he wants to be part of everything from here on out. The story moves through the two getting to know one another and growing together through the experience of becoming a family.
Reading Audience:
Amazon suggests 3 - 7 years old. I would say 3 - 8.
Stuff to be aware of:
The word ‘stepdad’ is in the book’s title, but not used in the story.
The little girl draws a picture during the story in which she writes “dad” on a doodle of her and her stepdad. Your personal situation will dictate if this page will work for your family. It could be a good jump-off point for a discussion about what you want your child to call their stepfather.
The child’s biological father and what happened to the him is never mentioned.
This book is one I highly suggest if you are trying to help your child understand what a stepparent is. The author does a good job getting down on the level of PreK child to explain the main point of, “Even if I am not your biological father, I love you and will always be there for you.” The parent reading this to a child could easily start conversations about personal experiences happening in the child or parent’s life.
This would be a great resource for a mother with children who is about to marry or even a child who is asking questions about what a “stepparent” is because they have heard the word at school.